Tenacity In Travel

Slogans from long ago keep popping into my head these days, acting as random reminders, providing support for this crazy time. “Peace I ask of Thee Oh River, Peace, Peace Peace”, a one-liner from a camp song (and an anthem for the Girl Scouts) reminds us about quieting the mind amidst the chaos, seeing beauty, and finding a positive flow. Aren’t we always searching for peace?
“When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going”, a slogan from an athletic past, a cheer from the sidelines, a song from the radio, instructs us to relentlessly Keep Going, Chin Up, Carry On towards a better outcome. We’ve definitely witnessed this from our tenacious frontline healthcare providers.  
I don’t need to tell you this… You already feel it… daily…there’s stress out in the world. How do we find peace? What does tenacity look like while we “live as travelers” on a pot-holed road?  
As we venture into our communities, travel to local places and continue on life’s journey, here are some humble suggestions to lighten the load!  
Identify Your Slogans. Or at least pay attention to positive language around you. Draw strength from your own mantras and use them to sustain you. Even song lyrics motivate us. Sing or loudly proclaim affirmations regularly. 
Look For The Truth Underneath. Recently a friend confessed that she is struggling with a recurrent illness, one that could alter her life forever. The sickness appeared almost out of no where. Stress was the most likely cause. Instead of turning away, look deeper for what’s at the core of the distress. Have a conversation with a close family member or friend or visit with an empathetic practitioner (such an acupuncturist, an energy healer, intuitive, chiropractor) who can help you identify seeds of the illness. Looking inward is never easy but if fighting sickness, its a good to unpack any “baggage”.
“Excess baggage is a symptom of something we are missing on the inside – a fear that we won’t be accepted for what we are, as if our selves are not enough. We bring too much of our past experience, the clutter of our emotions. These things get in the way and keep us from getting close to others. Then we are left with the task of having to find someone else to carry it, whether it is our luggage or our loneliness.” (Mary Morris)
Make a Happy List  In the early pages of the book, Solve for Happy, Mo Gawdat suggests creating a list focused on what makes you happy. Too often we’re trapped by unhappy thoughts and emotions. After making a list dedicate some time everyday to something on that list. In other words, bring your attention to the activities in life that make you happy. Such a simple idea! 
When out for an outdoor ramble, as the sun sets and the hot summer air blissfully cools, my attention often focuses on sending well wishes to as many people that I can think about. Wishing each other well and even whole communities is a transformative action that brings peace and goodwill to the world. Let’s strive for a peaceful healthy world. No matter how tough life might be, there is always a way to light up a new path.